
                                          Do It Yourself in Under an Hour!

A quick trip to the hardware store and you're good to go!

A few lengths of PVC pipe, some duct tape, and a pool noodle are all the supplies needed to get you on the field!

The Saberball Bat

Follow these six easy steps to make your own Saberball bat.  Materials can be found for under $5, and total construction time should take less than an hour!

1: PVC Pipes and a Pool Noodle

You will need a 40" length of 3/4" PVC pipe.  This can be found in the plumbing section of your local hardware store.  They are generally sold in 10' (120") lengths, so one pipe will make 3 Saberball bats.  You will also need a pool noodle cut down to 30".  Save the leftover section: you will need it later.

2: Pad Your Pipe

Slide the pool noodle over the PVC pipe.  Make sure to stop when there is still 1" left before the pipe sticks out of the other end.

3: Plug Your Hole

Trim a bit of the leftover pool noodle and plug the hole at the end of the bat.  This will prevent the pipe from wearing through the padding and sticking out of the end where it could cause injury.

3: Add the Pommel

Cut a 3" section off of the leftover pool noodle and slide it on to the handle end of the saberball bat.  This will provide a bit of counterbalance, but mostly it keeps the saber from flying out of your hands while in combat!

Wrap It Up

The next step is to cover all foam sections of the saber with duct tape.  The best method is to stick the end of the tape to the handle, stretch the tape up and over the top of the saber, and then down the other side of the saber until you reach the handle again. Pull nice and tight the entire way!  Repeat the process at slightly different angles until all of the foam is covered.  Cover the pommel in the same manner. 

Give it a Grip

The final step is to wrap the handle. Colored duct tape or electrician's tape is fine, but grip tape is the best choice and can be found relatively inexpensively at sporting goods stores or on Amazon.  

Lay On!

Your Saberball Bat is good to go!  

These lightweight sabers are easily weilded one or two-handed.  Remember, however, that when fighting one-handed, your non-sword hand is a valid target.  Only hands gripping the saber are considered nonvalid hits when tagged by an opponent.

The Ball

The ball is easily created by taking a 7" foam dodge ball and wrapping it in a layer of duct tape.  This creates a ball that is just heavy and durable enough to balance the force of the sabers during game-play.


The goals in Saberball are square "hoops" measuring 15" per side.  These square hoops are mounted on 10' poles.  

The goals are easily constructed using 1" diameter PVC pipes joined together with T and elbow joints.  

These can be shoved directly into the ground, or inserted into a movable base for a less permanent set-up.  Tripods used to support speaker-stands make excellent bases!